Sunday, August 25, 2013

COPD in a TEDx talk

I couldn't resist inserting a few slides into this TED talk about Innovation Resilience

The pertinent time is between 13:00 and 15:05 minutes

Progress on the hypothesis

Discussions recently with several universities about our COPD thesis have uncovered some surprising support, but not where I would have expected it.   Instead of Medical Schools, or even Public Health schools, the groups that have surfaced are (1) Computer Graphics and Big Data schools who have GIS (Graphical Informations Systems) experience; and (2) nanotechnology departments (of which there are not very many).   

The latter has really surprised me, until they explained that the craze about 3-D printers is causing some consternation.  These fabulous tools (mostly invented at HP some twenty years ago, but now the patents have run out) spray ultra-fine particies by definition, to construct the products of interest.

Lots of materials qualify to be "sprayed" or deposited, including the possibility of pretty toxic material.  All of a sudden, there is renewed interest in industrial air contamination.  Which led them to our thesis.

Amazing bed fellows in a long journey...