Thursday, April 25, 2024

Telling the bigger story

 Well, maybe this is not yet "telling" the story, but it is a chance--a huge chance--to create a very large story.   We have been invited to participate in a pan-European bid for Next-Gen Internet capabilities, and we're immersed in preparing two bids for possible grants.

The first proposal is to expand the dataset that we built several years ago, for COVID-19 cases and deaths, along with per capita calculations of same, for 1,024 days for 3,141 USA counties and 196 countries.  

How might you expand that?  Well, some would like to have ethnic and age data, others would like vaccine rates and pre-existing conditions, etc.   That's for the data already gathered.   But what about equivalent data for other countries where today all we have are macro-data for the entire nations.

And, if you can get that, how about other 'pandemic-like' diseases (e.g. flu, colds, SARs).  But then immediately medical folk say, "that's all well and good, but what about many chronic diseases?  Diabetes, COPD, heart attacks, lung cancer, and many others have major findings related to geospatial mapping, and each would be good to work with.  Granted the data is not as dynamic as COVID data was for the early days, but what a treasure trove.

So, we're imagining putting a proposal together to build a Global Virtual Health Center or Observatory, hopefully to build something useful for the world's underpaid, underresourced Health Community.

We'll keep you posted, but we WELCOME your input.

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